Reliable and Secure Blockchain Validation Services

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Spectrum Staking operates an expanding range of non-custodial validation services for Proof-of-Stake blockchains. Our goal is to empower stakers to earn potential rewards on their digital assets through the respective blockchain protocol mechanisms.

Our validation services are managed by a team of highly-experienced SRE professionals with over 30 years of cumilative systems engineering and IP networking experience. Deep technical expertise and experience working on mission-critical infrastructure in top Silicon Valley tech companies allows us to maintain high availability and security of our advanced blockchain infrastructure and remain on the cutting edge of blockchain ecosystem development.

We were awarded AA-rating by Staking Rewards after being audited for reliability, security and credibility.

Our methods

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In-depth understanding of supported blockchains and validator operation principles.

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Adherance to IT systems security practices

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Robust monitoring and alerting system

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24x7 pager duty with alert response SLO of 15 minutes

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Secure key management and configuration backup practices, as well as version control

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Proactive resource and capacity planning

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Mainnet Validators

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Commission: 0%

Located in secure datacenter in a unique location running on custom-built high-end hardware.


Commission: 0%


Simple-DVT and CSM operator for Lido Protocol. Operating Obol and SSV Simple-DVT operators.

SSV Network

Commission: 0.3SSV / year

Verified Operator

Oasis Protocol

Commission: 17%

Supporing Cipher and Sapphire confidentiality paratimes.

XX Network

Commission: 15%

Network Genesis participant.

Gravity Bridge

Commission: 10%

Network genesis participant

Cyber Bostrom

Commission: 10%

Network genesis participant

Commission: 20%


Commission: 10%

Uptick Network

Commission: 10%

© 2025 SpectrumStaking Sp. z o.o.. All rights reserved.
Krakow, Poland